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this page is not about the ultra Israelis but about a view on the ultra Israelis 




Let's have a look at the utterance on the left that comes from Naftali Bennet, who also labels Raisi  as 'hang-man president'. This is already inaccurate as the Iranian hard-liner didn't hang anyone while being president. He just became a newly fresh "chosen" president on June 19, 2021.

It becomes different when you call, for example, Kim Yong Un a 'little rocket man' (Trump) as that is correct. Because, rockets are still made under his tyranny.

Zionism is an ideology that holds the creation of Jewish state, while also viewed as a movement tend to promote a certain interest, which the creation of a Jewish state is.

Nationalism is an ideology that holds that the nation should be as one with the state. Some people view nationalism as a movement by saying that it tends to promote the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland. This is in our view a description which tells how the ideology of nationalism is brought into practice.

However, 'movement' is bringing people together to form a group in order to represent themselves as followers of a certain cause, belief, view or opinion.

So, how do we view Israeli extremism?

Ultraism is adjective from "ultra". In the context of this part of our series "View On A History", "ultra" is beyond what is ordinary, proper, or moderate, and is synonymous to excessive. -ism at the end is a suffix to indicate that the word represents a specific practice belonging to an ideology.

You can't go beyond something if you're not fanatic in what you believe. However, your bodily system have to produce a notable amount of chemical substances to let you think, believe and behave fanatic. The more it does, the more you get extreme, which is the same to fanatic. Fanaticism is synonymous to extremism. Ultra is here the most intense form of fanaticism or extremism.

Now, Zionism is roughly saying about following the cause of creating own land for your own sort of people. Nationalism is roughly saying holding 'nation' and 'state' as one. But, one cannot happen without the other. That is why we view the Israeli version of nationalism as an offshoot from Zionism. However, if you look at the parties having formed Naftali Bennett's party Yamina, you find both Zionism and nationalism but in an ultra form. 

About the settlements: we don't expect any change either: because of

 "... even if annexation is off the table"

On June 4, 2021 Yesha chairman said that Yamina, New Hope lawmakers assured him construction in settlements will continue as usual, even if annexation is off the table in a unity government. But, how can one continue with the construction when annexation is off the table?

The occupation is since 1967. The identity of landscape of the occupied territory have been irreversible changed in an unstoppable manner since then. This is not only a war crime because it violates the Customary International Law. In fact, there is no longer occupation in parts where the settlements are. It is already locally based annexation.

You can't start building new settlements if you don't have new piece of land. Annexation just simply begins here. Starting to build is starting to change the identity of that taken piece of land while you already have annexed. So, "even if annexation is off the table" is just nonsense.

Two examples. One was about foreign politics while the other was about settlements. Both show that there is actually at least no change in the political practices of the Israelis. In fact, ultra-Zionists just continue there were Netanyahu had to stop after being ousted from 12 years of polarizing politics.

In December 2022, the Israelis saw Netanyahu back on political stage again. That means they have chosen for it. But his 'victory' is not that victory he had hope for. He have to deal with the ultras among the Israelis in his newly gained cabinet. That is worrisome.

But, who are these ultras?

They mostly live in separate towns and city neighborhoods, and unlike most secular Israelis, most are not conscripted in the military; do not work until the age of 26 and do not pay taxes.

Dress code for women is like the views the mullahs and ayatollahs in Iran have and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Men do not shake hands with women, and the consumption of pork is forbidden.

Ultra women do not show their hair in public after their wedding. With a headscarf or a wig – referred to in Yiddish as a sheitel – they signal to their surroundings that they are married and that they comply with notions of propriety. In the Muslim world, that means there where there's freedom of choice, wearing a headscarf, hijab or burka is because of similar notions. But, in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan it is by repressive legislation.

In their own habitat, ultras are known for openly showing aggression and violence against women who are not dressed in line with the ultras' dress code and even show openly hate against people who are not Jewish but are part of the entire Israeli society

How do they view the (illegal) politics of settlements?

Naftali Bennett already showed how ultras view these illegal politics. From a more nuance perspective, the explanation can be described as folows:

For ultras, the settlement movement is closely tied to their "religious beliefs" and connection to -what the Jews claim as "promised land".. They often view the West Bank as part of biblical Israel and consider the establishment of Jewish communities there as fulfilling a religious and historical imperative. They see these settlements as an expression of the Jewish people's return to their ancestral homeland.

But, we have showed you that their view isn't in line with biblical facts, such as the claim about Jerusalem, including the Al Aqsa compound. Because, in this chapter the Israelis themselves made clear that the habitat of the Jesubites was conquered and seized by King David. That means the ground was never Jewish but those of the Jesubites who were not Jews. So yes, the West Bank is part but of an biblical story, not part of "biblical Israel".

Still, they are strong supporters of Israeli settlements and may actively participate in settling or supporting these communities. They often see this as a way to strengthen Israel's hold on the West Bank and assert their right to live there. They are also often among the most vocal opponents of any government plans to evacuate settlements in the West Bank. They may organize protests and civil disobedience to resist such actions, believing that it is their religious duty to maintain a "Jewish presence" in these areas.

So, there will be no change as long there is an Netanyahu ... with or without the ultras.