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this page is not about history but about a view on a history.




However, Israelites were nomadic people with tribal beliefs as Judaism didn't exist that time. They were driven out from the Amalekite tribe's territory, now Negev desert.

After driven into the north, the Israelites ended up in King David's territory, now the most northern part that borders with Lebanon. But, the king didn't want them either. So, the Israelites were driven out again but from David's kingdom into the direction of the hills of Jerusalem were the driven Israelites themselves also drove a tribe but from one of the hills. That hill would feature in two 19th century ideologies. But only those of Theodor Herzl is written about the most. That is misleading.

But, who started to live on these hills of Jerusalem before whoever was driven out?

Scholars believe the first human settlements took place during the Early Bronze Age—somewhere around 3500 B.C. That is at least a strong indication that Jerusalem became Jewish much and much later.

In the Canaanite period (14th century BCE), Jerusalem was named as Urusalim on ancient Egyptian tablets, probably meaning "City of Shalem" after a Canaanite deity. A strong indication that Jerusalem still wasn't Jewish.

That brings us to the key question: is Judaism an offshoot from another belief? Yes. because it arose from the Canaanite multi-gods belief. Moreover, the early period of the Hebrew religion -it wasn't named Judaism- had still all the elements of the Canaanite multi-godization.

Then we have Christianity which is rooted in Second Temple Judaism thus an offshoot from the Jewish.

And so it looks that one after the other is rooted from one other. 

What do we miss here?

Centuries long lack of awareness that it is about a chain, linking one belief to another belief all the way, yes, even to Islam!

But, one does not belong here: erasure of the other .... by force, by falsehood, by politicization and most of all by religionization.