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International humanitarian law and the protection of  IDP camps

In times of armed conflict, internally displaced persons are entitled to protection under international humanitarian law. In such situations, gathering them together may facilitate their protection, but it may also increase their exposure to the dangers of the conflict.

Certain camps are forbidden under international law, though they still occur in practice. These include:

  • refugee camps turned forced regroupment camps

Civilians must not be displaced by force. In internal conflicts, forced population movements are prohibited by the Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions. Hence, the “displacement of the civilian population shall not be ordered for reasons related to the conflict unless the security of the civilians involved or imperative military reasons so demand. Should such displacements have to be carried out, all possible measures shall be taken in order that the civilian population may be received under satisfactory conditions of shelter, hygiene, health, safety and nutrition” (APII Art. 17).

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All live videos belong to those in Gaza. They are the people who filmed and shared with the outside world many of them risking their own lives. 

Under construction since July 27, 2024. Choose a subcategory if videos are available.