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UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

The United Nations General Assembly established UNRWA in 1949 with a mandate to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to registered Palestine refugees in the Agency’s area of operations pending a just and lasting solution to their plight.

The UNRWA is solely dedicated to the Palestinian refugees and their descendants. UNRWA is unique in that its policy allows the inheritance of refugee status across generations.

This is a threat to the Israeli desire to have the whole of occupied Palestine as theirs, and therefore the real motive to falsely accuse the UNWRA of being a Hamas (co)operative. That is why we view the Israeli attacks on all UN facilities and personnel in Gaza as eliminating UNWRA.

  • Reports about other UN bodies in Gaza such as UNICEF and WFP are included in this subcategory.

About the "empty" images:

They suggest that there are no videos. However, the used app doesn't have a video thumbnail generator.

Select a title and click or tap to open the video. If you want to go to another page within this subcategory you need to select, click or tap a title and open a video first then you can navigate. The video you have selected to watch remains visible above the related videos until you chose another video to watch.

Take note that videos may display sensitive, disturbing or graphic content as Israelis willfully and systematically refuse distinction of civilians and military objectives driven by conflation of civilians sheltering in UN buildings and resistance groups as one and the same.


All live videos belong to those in Gaza. They are the people who filmed and shared with the outside world many of them risking their own lives.