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Domicide is the widespread destruction of a living environment, forcing the incumbent humans to move elsewhere. In a human rights context, domicide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of housing and basic infrastructure, making an area uninhabitable.

The scale and the used method of extra disproportionality in bombardments without demonstrable evidence, that such way of destruction is of military objective, shows only the signature of willful creating an uninhabitable environment. This is no other than domicide.

Systematic attacks by Israelis on buildings used by displaced people to shelter are to be considered as acts amounting to domicide. These cases are archived elsewhere because the buildings used for shelter are mainly UN buildings

The first signs of domicide emerged during the last two weeks of October 2023.

Domicide in the Customary International Law has been discussed and urged to be accepted as an international crime. However, the Fourth Geneva Convention provides:

Article 53 - Prohibited destruction

Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations. The latter has never been supported with hard conclusive demonstrable evidence.

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They suggest that there are no videos. However, the used app doesn't have a video thumbnail generator.

Select a title and click or tap to open the video. If you want to go to another page within this subcategory you need to select, click or tap a title and open a video first then you can navigate. The video you have selected to watch remains visible above the related videos until you chose another video to watch.


All live videos belong to those in Gaza. They are the people who filmed and shared with the outside world many of them risking their own lives. 

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